Transformation & Reform

How regions, countries, and localities have confronted and overcome their own challenges is instructive for leaders and citizens facing challenges today. Drawing on both historical analysis and lessons from its work advising leaders, ISE continues to document a diverse set of cases of transformation and reforms. These cases provide insight into how leaders and citizens developed a reform agenda, the policies and institutions advanced reforms, how the market and citizens were engaged, and what communications strategies were employed. Explore the Country Transition and Transformation paper series for our analysis of successful transformations.

Country Transitions and Transformations

The Country Transitions and Transformations series charts how regions, countries, and localities have confronted and overcome the challenges of statebuilding. The case studies explore the economic, social, and political dynamics of large-scale transformations, offering key insights into “what works” for tackling the pressing issues of today. Cases range from the making of Turkey’s modern state to state-level reform in India and Finland’s consensus-building citizenship model. View the entire series here.

Country Stocktakings

ISE’s country stocktakings evaluate opportunities for reform during pivotal periods in a country’s development trajectory. Stocktakings diagnose countries’ open moments and pathways for reform by assessing the performance and capability of various state functions and citizens’ view of the state while mapping the various international partners operating in the country and the alignment of key stakeholders around a potential reform agenda. View the Country Stocktaking series here.


For the last two decades there has been consensus on the centrality of governance to countries’ ability to provide security, prosperity and well-being for their citizens. The promotion of good governance, however, particularly in developing…

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Preparing for a Syrian Transition: Trust Funds

This note considers the application of a multi-donor trust fund (MDTF) to a possible Syrian transition. Firstly, it considers how an MDTF could act as the primary funding mechanism for short-term emergency support. Secondly, it…

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Ending Extreme Poverty in Fragile and Conflict-affected Situations

Background Research Paper Submitted to the UN High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda The High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda set the key task for global development to end extreme poverty…

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An Institutional Framework for Natural Resource Management

Governments can most successfully manage their natural resources when they understand the potential of these assets set against the larger economic, social and environmental goals of the country. They can then seek to nurture a…

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The Case of Transformation in Mozambique

Mozambique is now one of Africa’s fastest growing economies. What were the key steps in its path from Civil War, through one party state system and centrally planned socialist economy, to multiparty constitutional democracy? How…

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Preparing for a Syrian Transition: Lessons from the Past, Thinking for the Future

This paper develops scenarios for possible Syrian transitions. It identifies relevant peace building lessons from the past, outlines recommendations for members of the international community and pinpoints issues for articulating and implementing a transitional agenda.…

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