State Effectiveness

For a state to be effective, it must carry out a core set of governance capabilities that meet citizens’ expectations and earn public trust while setting the conditions for economic and market development. Effective and accountable states must also participate in a global community of nations, which is governed by shared international norms and standards. ISE works to refine concepts and frameworks for governance, economic and civic engagement, and international relationships.

State of the State

There is an urgent and universal need to develop an agenda and framework for reimagining the state’s ability to understand and meet evolving citizen expectations and help ensure a global order that works in the interests of all sectors of society. ISE’s State of the State initiative aims to reinvigorate a collective agenda on state effectiveness by listening to leaders and citizens alike to assess emerging global trends impacting the role of the state, build on the lessons of the last decade of reform and statecraft, and explore the ‘how-to’ of making the state more effective and legitimate. The overall goal of this multi-year dialogue is to design a forward-looking Agenda for the State for the next 10-15 years that can align the efforts of different stakeholders, bridge communities of practices, and help guide future policy and academic directions. Read more about the challenges and opportunities facing the state-centric international model here.

From Diagnostics to Decision-Making: Strengthening the Link Between Governance Analysis and IDA Strategy

Weaknesses in core government functioning remain a critical impediment to long-term development and reinforce cycles of fragility and poverty. While development portfolios have continued to grow in scope and ambition, the centrality of good governance…

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Event | Reform Sequencing: How We Have Adapted in COVID-19 and What We Can Learn

Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, leaders have relied on data to drive decision making and the experience of others to model their reforms. While not entirely new concepts, the ongoing pandemic and reverberating second-order impacts highlight…

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