Engage, Educate & Train

Equipping Current and Future Leaders with Knowledge and Skills for System-Building

Engage, Educate, Train

ISE’s Engage, Educate, and Train Programs advance approaches to equip new generation leaders and managers with the knowledge, skills, and tools to create inclusive policies and accountable and effective institutions. The complex challenges faced by leaders today require not only technical fixes, but also involve changing the mindsets, behaviors, and incentives of multiple stakeholders.

Today, progress largely depends on effective leaders and managers across society who share a common vision and know how to collaborate and harness capacities, all while managing divisive forces that transformation processes invariably bring to the fore. The ability to carefully navigate the political economy of reform while galvanizing the energies of multiple stakeholders towards a shared purpose is critical for the leaders of tomorrow.

For more information about ISE’s programs and courses below, please contact engage@effectivestates.org.

Specialized Courses

These tailored trainings aim to enhance the practical skills and substantive knowledge of leaders and managers on sector-specific functions of governance ranging from public financial management, infrastructure management, and disaster preparedness to security and citizen engagement.

Leadership Engagement Programs

ISE offers tailored leadership programs and retreats for senior leaders and managers across private, public, and civil society sectors in countries and regions navigating processes of transformation and reform.

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Practical Solutions for Public Problems: The Ten Functions of the State Course

Using our knowledge of best practices from more than a decade of on-the-ground experience and drawing on our global network of thought leaders, development experts, and policy professionals, ISE’s Practical Solutions for Public Problems: The Ten Functions of the State Course education course seeks to equip professionals with tools and skills to accelerate institutional reforms and better serve citizens.

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ISE’s Fellows Program

ISE’s Fellows program aims to enhance practical skills and substantive expertise for the new generation of global leaders, while establishing connections for them across focus areas and regions.

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