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State Function » Governance
Displaying 51 articles.
Four years after a devastating earthquake, the reconstruction of Haiti remains far from completion. Although billions of dollars in aid have flowed into the country, Haitians feel the outcomes have not matched the promises made.…
For the last two decades there has been consensus on the centrality of governance to countries’ ability to provide security, prosperity and well-being for their citizens. The promotion of good governance, however, particularly in developing…
This note considers the application of a multi-donor trust fund (MDTF) to a possible Syrian transition. Firstly, it considers how an MDTF could act as the primary funding mechanism for short-term emergency support. Secondly, it…
Background Research Paper Submitted to the UN High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda The High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda set the key task for global development to end extreme poverty…
In fragile or failing states, destitution and marginalisation prevent citizens from taking part in economic and political life, and large swathes of territory can fall under the control of militias. State-building is still a viable…
Mozambique is now one of Africa’s fastest growing economies. What were the key steps in its path from Civil War, through one party state system and centrally planned socialist economy, to multiparty constitutional democracy? How…
This paper develops scenarios for possible Syrian transitions. It identifies relevant peace building lessons from the past, outlines recommendations for members of the international community and pinpoints issues for articulating and implementing a transitional agenda.…
The story of how Spain transitioned from a military dictatorship to a situational monarchy with a Parliamentary democracy is widely known. This paper scrutinizes the deeper process: how Spain developed its national institutions to build…
How did Himachal Pradesh evolve to become one of India’s wealthiest states, with low poverty levels and above-average literacy? The prospect appeared unlikely when 30 princely Hill states merged to form a state characterized by…
Confronted by set of deeply entrenched obstacles, the government of Bihar adopted a carefully structured approach to state-building. In this paper we assess the measures it took to consolidate the rule of law, build key…
Just as ancient transcontinental trade networks generated prosperity, security and political stability in Asia, a 21st-century Silk Road could secure Asia’s future. The Asian continent is undergoing a great economic transformation that presents tremendous opportunities…
The old Silk Road was not only a fixed route, but a constellation of rules, agreements, relationships and institutions that created an integrated economic and political system across Asia. The New Silk Road should similarly…