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Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, leaders have relied on data to drive decision making and the experience of others to model their reforms. While not entirely new concepts, the ongoing pandemic and reverberating second-order impacts highlight the importance of understanding a diverse set of reform pathways and indicators. This workshop endeavors to apply these lessons to broader crisis environments through both a panel discussion and tool demonstration. Panelists discuss how data-driven decision-making, communities of leaders and applying reform models of other jurisdictions have shaped the COVID-19 response and how we can apply these approaches to broader crisis environments all over the world. Additionally, ISE will officially launch our Reform Sequencing Tracker – an ambitious endeavor and tool to codify the sequence of government reforms after periods of crisis.
This session is part of the Fragility Forum 2020 Virtual Series.
Clare Lockhart, Director, Institute for State Effectiveness
Lorena Pachego, Program Officer, Club de Madrid (@clubdemadrid)
Jacob Bathanti, Consultant, World Bank Global Delivery Initiative
Pat Austria Ramsey, Data and Digital Lead, Institute for State Effectiveness