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Topic » Development Policy and Practice
Displaying 28 articles.
Knowledge ecosystems can strengthen resilience in fragile states but these contexts are often some of the most difficult for such ecosystems to operate and thrive. Harnessing interviews with over 30 experts representing 22 unique research…
Weaknesses in core government functioning remain a critical impediment to long-term development and reinforce cycles of fragility and poverty. While development portfolios have continued to grow in scope and ambition, the centrality of good governance…
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the critical nature of effectively addressing state fragility. The goal is well known: forge pathways to self-reliance by building state institutional capacity and delivering inclusive social, economic and security outcomes…
Relief and development organizations use various methodologies to map populations, households and individuals that are vulnerable to different shocks – economic and resource shocks, natural disasters and climate change, conflict and violence, health crises and…
The goal of development in fragile states is well established: to help forge pathways out of fragility towards self-reliance and to deliver inclusive and sustainable social, economic, and security outcomes for citizens. The way to…
This brief discusses various aspects of the Citizens’ Charter approach to poverty reduction. These include incorporating a deeper understanding of poverty dynamics into the program’s architecture, engaging provincial and district level authorities and programs, promoting…
Afghanistan’s Citizens’ Charter program is national in scope, which means that the core model of facilitation must be able to adapt to a tremendously broad range of socioeconomic environments. This is particularly important as the…
In the allocation of scarce public resources, good budgeting is an art and a skill. It is a core function of government, and as such, it is fundamentally a political process with many competing objectives.…
Policymakers and the international community continue to struggle with how to deliver essential services, particularly in fragile states, in the context of violent conflict, inequality, pervasive corruption, and weak institutions. Community Driven Development (CDD), which…
As a part of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences’ ongoing project on Civil Wars, Violence and International Responses, the second volume of a special issue of the journal Dædalus was released in January 2018 to…
This is a follow-up note to the ISE Development Practice Note on the consequences of donor-induced fragmentation, which argued that the way development partners have managed their ODA spending and development programs has resulted in…
Read Clare Lockhart’s article ‘Sovereignty Strategies: Enhancing Core Governance Functions as a Postconflict & Conflict-Prevention Measure’ in the AAAS Special Issue of Daedalus.