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State Function » Human Capital

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Rebuilding Ukraine’s Human Capital

Russia’s 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine has severely affected the country’s human capital stock, exacerbating pre-war population decline, skills gaps and labor imbalances. To rebuild communities and bolster domestic resiliency, Ukrainian policymakers and their international…

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Sequencing & Prioritization for Ukraine’s Recovery

When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. Effective reconstruction in Ukraine requires well-sequenced plans that translate to consensus around actionable policies, programs and projects. This analysis harnesses insights from other international recovery contexts…

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Knowledge for Resilience

Knowledge ecosystems can strengthen resilience in fragile states but these contexts are often some of the most difficult for such ecosystems to operate and thrive. Harnessing interviews with over 30 experts representing 22 unique research…

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Singapore: Evolution of an Entrepot

Singapore has undergone a remarkable transition since gaining statehood. ISE examines the sequence of priorities and drivers fueling its economic growth from a post-colonial city into a center of industry and trade.

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The Case of Transformation in Mozambique

Mozambique is now one of Africa’s fastest growing economies. What were the key steps in its path from Civil War, through one party state system and centrally planned socialist economy, to multiparty constitutional democracy? How…

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Himachal Pradesh: Understanding State-Level Transition in India

How did Himachal Pradesh evolve to become one of India’s wealthiest states, with low poverty levels and above-average literacy?  The prospect appeared unlikely when 30 princely Hill states merged to form a state characterized by…

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New Models for Engaging in Fragile States

Recommendations from the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Fragile States The citizens of fragile states are not waiting for change; they now take to the streets demanding inclusion in decision-making and marketplace opportunities.…

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Singapore: From Third World to First

How did Singapore transform itself from a breakaway island state few considered viable, wracked with ethnic tension, political and economic problems, to a thriving economic hub and global financial center? Which areas of economy and…

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Nepal: Overcoming Distrust in the Market

Despite Nepal’s economic potential, disagreement on forming an enabling environment for business is entrenching informal and corrupt rules. This impedes licit businesses, restricting trade and investment. This article proposes how the government should partner with…

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Development Effectiveness in Situations of Fragility and Conflict

Consensus is emerging on the centrality of state-building to development. At an operational level, however, the differing mandates and priorities of different donors are resulting in fragmented approaches – increasing the strain on already fragile…

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Guinea-Bissau: Translating Potential into Reality

Current approaches in the Guinea-Bissau reached an impasse as the government struggled to balance competing urgent needs, the population’s desire for tangible change, and longer term institutional reform. This paper suggests a new approach whose…

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Karnataka: Understanding State Level Transition in India

We explain why Karnataka is an instructive case study, containing both positive and negative lessons. In the last decade income growth has been spectacular; self-interested policy making have led it to be branded India’s most…

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