State Effectiveness Index

In 2006, we first proposed the need for an index in the book Fixing Failed States. It explained an index grounded in the ten functions of the state framework and methods for the generation of comparative data on state capacity – measuring both a country’s ability to overcome its governance constraints and build on opportunities.

Over the years we have built out this framework and integrated the data sources and tools now available, refining the methodology and expanding it to be a holistic and multi-dimensional measurement of a country’s capability across the 10 functions. The index also measures the gap between government intention, international perception and – crucially – citizen’s reality.

Please find more about the State Effectiveness Index below. The launch of the full Index is planned for 2021.


Instead of sectoral

to account for the different yet interdependent functions of the state


Instead of government-driven

to measure the gap between government intention, international perception
and citizen’s reality


Instead of global by default

to draw valuable comparisons between countries with similar contexts or histories


Instead of ranked

to shift attention to a country’s own growth over time—instead of ranking placement